You can immediately find out whether your mail, parcel or international mail has been delivered. Click the search button below for the type of item you wish to trace. Please note that we cannot provide updated information if a system or communication environment problem occurs.
- Registered Mail
- Cash Registration Mail
- Simplified Registered Mail
- Acceptance-recorded Mail

- Yu-Pack
- Yu-Mail

International Mail
- International Parcel
- Registered Mail
- Insured Mail

- EMS, International Parcel Post, International Registered Mail and International Insured Mail are undergoing joint testing in some countries/territories. The details are shown here:Notices Concerning EMS Track & Trace Service.
- Tracking is possible for around 100 days from the date of posting.
- Ordinary letters and postcards cannot be traced.

E-mail notification service of completed delivery provided via the Internet

You can check the delivery status by smartphone.

You can search up to 100 mail items at one time by a serial item number search, in addition to an individual item number search. Search results can be downloaded as a CSV-formatted file. Please make sure Java Script is enabled. (Japanese only)

There are various mail tracking services. (Japanese only) that provide tracking data as a CSV-formatted file.
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